Barut Hotels
Barut Club

Barut Hotels We Care All 2Nd Carbon Footprint Calculation Training Was Held On 17-18 February 2025

10 МАРТА 2025 Г.
Barut Hotels We Care All 2nd Carbon Footprint Calculation Training Was Held On 17-18 February 2025

Within the scope of We Care All, the training event held at Barut Hemera on 17-18 February 2025 drew attention as the second programme aiming to increase knowledge and competencies in the field of sustainability. The first training was successfully completed on 17-18 July 2024. In this training, in-depth information was shared on carbon footprint, sustainability and carbon footprint calculation.

The training, which was held with the participation of professionals working in various fields such as quality managers, technical managers, cost chiefs and accounting employees, was evaluated as an important step towards a sustainable future. Participants learnt valuable practices and strategies on ways to reduce their environmental impact and how to integrate sustainability practices into their business processes.

At the end of the training, certificates were presented to the participants. Barut Hotels will continue to organise such trainings to increase the knowledge and competencies of its businesses and employees who adopt environmentally friendly practices. These steps taken in the field of sustainability enable both businesses and communities to contribute to a greener future.

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